Cut Out + Keep

Jamaican Altered Bottle

upcycled functional art...decantor gifts • Posted by meg s.

I want to take objects that would otherwise be thrown away or recycled and turn them into something else. I prefer a functionality to my art so each of my altered bottles is reusable as a decantor. Display the bottle on a bar or shelf....take a swig when in need! Let your imagination go wild cuz each bottle is a cleat slat a new canvas....I hope you take my ideas and fly with it! Have fun and happy crafting!

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


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I want to take objects that would otherwise be thrown away or recycled and turn them into something else. I prefer a functionality to my art so each of my altered bottles is reusable as a decantor. Display the bottle on a bar or shelf....take a swig when in need! Let your imagination go wild cuz each bottle is a cleat slat a new canvas....I hope you take my ideas and fly with it! Have fun and happy crafting!


  1. Small img 0649

    clean and paint the bottle inside and out. let dry and then wipe with rubbing alcohol. Finally paint it white if using light colors on it or darker for darker colors. the idea is too prime it. Let it dry!

  2. Small img 0650

    draw out your design on the bottle. It really helps to keep your idea in place on it!

  3. Small img 0651

    Paint your design on the bottle and embellish...I used shells on the beach. I used butterfly stickers, and sequened hearts and a butterfly or two. Lastly paint it with modge podge and let it dry!