A cute embroidered T-shirt
So this was my first endeavor with embroidery but I found out I really do like it. Hopefully you can tell that's Jackie O, but the project can be altered to fit anyone.
bluejeanbaby entered their project Jackie O T Shirt to Sublime Stitching Contest 03 Jun 03:16
Step 2
Because I was using a T-shirt, I had to use some stitch stabilizer so that the t-shirt wouldn't constantly be stretching. I don't know what kind of varieties there are out there, but this wasn't iron on so I just pinned it in place. Stabilizer can be found in the fabric department by the batting and fusible fabric. The t-shirt was from a multipack of men's shirts. If you can get over the awkwardness of shopping in the men's underwear aisle, they're really worth it.
Step 4
I decided to begin with the hair because it was the largest portion. Also, my family thought I was so weird the entire time I was making it so I thought if I got the hair done and they saw the project take place they might respect me more. Not so true, but I still love it. I looked online for some of the stiches used and for the most part used a stem stitch.