• Posted by Porcella
I love brooches, but I don't have that many. Today, on a whim, I asked my mom for some fabric and her sewing kit. Last time I made rosettes was back in 5th grade, so my stitching's a bit rusty. This is the outcome. :) Edit: Oh wow! I got featured! Yay! :D
I love brooches, but I don't have that many. Today, on a whim, I asked my mom for some fabric and her sewing kit. Last time I made rosettes was back in 5th grade, so my stitching's a bit rusty. This is the outcome. :) Edit: Oh wow! I got featured! Yay! :D
I had my scissors, fabric and what I would trace the circle with. I used a garapon top (not sure the translation) you can use any circular top though.
I traced on the wrong side of the fabric (although it doesn't matter much once you've gathered up your fabric. Haha, I can just hear my 5th grade Home Ec teacher scolding me for using a real pen instead of a fabric one or one of those orange block things (can anyone tell me what they're called? please?)
Cut the fabric carefully. For me I had to stretch the fabric a bit since my scissors weren't made to cut fabric.
This is the base of the rosette.
Start sewing the basic stitch near the edge of the circle. You must knot the end of the thread or else end up pulling the whole thread out there once you try to gather. Stitch the whole perimeter until you come back to the knot.
Pull the thread and gather the seams. Then sew it to lock. Sew a safety pin at the back.
Embellish the center with glass pebbles (this one was an excess pebble from my nephew's turtle's glass bowl) or buttons. You can also add lace and hanging beads to make it more colorful. :)