Cut Out + Keep

Ivy Leaves Shirt

Ivy ♥ • Posted by Welandra

I love Ivy, though, ivy doesn't usually love my as they tend to die... But these won't die and I'm quite happy how they turned out. :) This is some shirt I got for free from work. I can't find any nice shirts from stores that has any decent pictures in them and I think blanks are just boring. So I've started drawing and painting on them. Something to do on boring moments if I get some inspiration and a cool new shirt. Win-win situation! I even took pictures step by step (not so many steps but anyways) so decided to make my first how-to. :)

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 1273422610 img d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 1277933562 Medium 1273422815 img d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 1277933573


I love Ivy, though, ivy doesn't usually love my as they tend to die... But these won't die and I'm quite happy how they turned out. :) This is some shirt I got for free from work. I can't find any nice shirts from stores that has any decent pictures in them and I think blanks are just boring. So I've started drawing and painting on them. Something to do on boring moments if I get some inspiration and a cool new shirt. Win-win situation! I even took pictures step by step (not so many steps but anyways) so decided to make my first how-to. :)


  1. Small 1273422610 img

    Draw the wanted outlines with a fabric pen. Then add some green in the middle leaving the edges colorless. You can add two or more different greens to give it more life like appearence. I think I used two dark greens here.

  2. Small 1273422770 img

    Then add opaque white on the edges and some on the green when you're making particolored ivy. I have few opaque marker pens so I used that for this.

  3. Then add some light shades over the white coat and sketch some veins in the leaves with pen and green markers. Remember to add some green to the vine itself if you want it to look more chunky!

  4. Small 1273422815 img

    Here's the final result and all the markers and the pen I used. :) The light green and blue grey were used over the white edges to give it more vivid look. Hope this helps or inspires someone!