• Posted by Hanky Panky Harlot
I went to recycle recently and to my suprise the recylce man wouldn't accept my wine bottles! So, I asked my boyfriend, Captain Planet, should I just toss it in the trash bin and he said "No way jose! Let's get crafty and make something out of it!" So, THAT is exactly what I did! All you need for this project is your painting or decoupaging skills. ^_^ I have a gazillion incense holders but why not add another one to the list. Especially a DIY incense holder~! that can multi-task and become a lovely vase! OR a nice windowsil decoration!
I went to recycle recently and to my suprise the recylce man wouldn't accept my wine bottles! So, I asked my boyfriend, Captain Planet, should I just toss it in the trash bin and he said "No way jose! Let's get crafty and make something out of it!" So, THAT is exactly what I did! All you need for this project is your painting or decoupaging skills. ^_^ I have a gazillion incense holders but why not add another one to the list. Especially a DIY incense holder~! that can multi-task and become a lovely vase! OR a nice windowsil decoration!
Gather up your materials! * Dried out wine bottles * Acrylic Paints * Paint Markers * Mod Podge * Old Newspapers! * KeyRing (optional)
Go to town! Decorate! Decoupage! Make it work hunny! One of the bottles, I had I painted and drew on it with paint markers. The other bottle, I decoupaged it with my ModPodge and spare newspapers that I wanted to recycle.
Let it dry! & Voila now you have a decorated bottle!
My wine bottle had a snazzy screwtop, so I screwed it back on and it was a lovely windowsil decoration. OR! Stuff some flowers in it! (real or fake~!) ...and now it's a vase!
OR! If you would like it to be an incense holder, Grab that keyring and slide the end of the incense stick in between the coil and drop it in the top and now it's a incense holder!