Cut Out + Keep

Is It The Scars?

Is it the scars? You want to know how I got 'em? • Posted by Käpt´n Toasterkopf

This is my first serious try at oil pastels and...they´re not my favourite creative weapon of choice. Too chunky for the detail loving person that I am. So there is still a lot of work to do, if I want to master those fat imprecise bastards -_-" But there is one little secret feature in this picture that makes me like it. I wonder if somebody sees it...

You will need

Project Budget


8 h 00


Medium dscn1327 1265143326


This is my first serious try at oil pastels and...they´re not my favourite creative weapon of choice. Too chunky for the detail loving person that I am. So there is still a lot of work to do, if I want to master those fat imprecise bastards -_-" But there is one little secret feature in this picture that makes me like it. I wonder if somebody sees it...
