• Posted by susie
Cool place to sit your phone as you skype, also has a hole in the front for a charger to thread into so you can use it as a docking station :)
Cool place to sit your phone as you skype, also has a hole in the front for a charger to thread into so you can use it as a docking station :)
shape and glue foam pads into a chair shape optional at this point is to cut a hole through the front of the seat to allow for a charger so you can charge your phone on the throne.
roll polymer clay flat and cut into strips, lay them along the arms and seat where you need curves and bake as instructed. oven temp is low enough that the foam won't melt
snip coffee stirrers or similar plastic wands into shards and start jamming them into the foam to form the arc of the back.
glue the trimmed stirrers on the back in a similar arc to cover the foam, the top layer should be cocktail swords (the guards trimmed off for a more traditional sword hilt)
glue in front, again, the front layer should be cocktail swords
place cocktail swords and stirrers to get a nice shape and such on the sides and corners
spray paint black for an even cover
then lightly brush with a metallic effect paint. I added gold high lights to the hilts and then blended with black acrylic and the metallic acrylic. (sorry for my dirty washing basket in the background but I was in bed with a cold when I made this :D )