Ipod Touch Case

A case for your ipod touch ;)

Posted by Doris W.


Made for a friend :D
I'm not sure if my dimensions for the ipod touch are correct, however, so if it's wrong, just use your own dimensions :)

This is my first how to, so I hope it's coherent enough x.x
Feel free to ask any questions.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Button
  • Cloth
  • Needle And Thread

Steps (6 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    Cut out a piece of cloth 12x5.5 inches. Fold the bottom up, leaving 3 inches at the top.

  2. 2

    Leaving .25 inches, backstitch along the dotted line.
    Also, folding the top .25in down, stitch along the top. I have no idea what the stitch is called. You basically stick the needle in on one side, bring it back to the same side, and stick it in again, leaving a loopy effect.

  3. 3

    Flipping the entire thing inside out, fold the top .25in on all sides.

  4. 4

    Stitch the same stitch you did for the top of the pocket along the outline of the flap.

  5. 5

    Cut a slit in the middle of the flap and using a washable marker, mark the corresponding place on pocket, where the button should be.

    Stitch along the slit and sew on the button.

  6. 6

    Turn the thing over.

    Cut out any design you like on another piece of cloth and stitch it over the slit. Make sure there's enough room for the button to go through.

    And you're done :D