Interchangeable Christmas Jumper

You'll always have something to wear to the party with a super cute Christmas jumper with interchangeable accessories!

Posted by Cat Morley



You Will Need (9 things)

  • Jumper
  • Felt in various colours
  • Singer QUANTUM STYLIST™ TOUCH 9985 Sewing Machine
  • Sew-on Press Studs
  • Thread in matching colours
  • Paper for templates
  • Scissors
  • Pin(s)
  • Embroidery Thread & need

Steps (7 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Start by planning your design on paper and making templates. You could use your favourite animal, character or even Santa.

  2. 2

    Use your paper templates to cut the individual pieces from fabric and felt.

  3. 3

    Start stitching the individual pieces of your design on top of each other.

  4. 4

    You might want to hand embroidering some details such as a mouth.

  5. 5

    When you're happy with your design, stitch it on to your jumper. I used tweed for the bear's head so I used a zig-zag stitch around the edges to prevent it from fraying as much.

  6. 6

    Decide where you'd like your accessories positioned and stitch the halves of press studs in place.

  7. 7

    Sew some super cute accessories and stitch the corresponding halves of the press studs on the back.