Cut Out + Keep

Individual Lime Cheesecake

Individual Lime Cheesecake • Posted by Super Madcow

These are super easy to make. They will keep well in the fridge for a few days (if you can resist them that long).

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Pretty Easy
Medium 116367 2f2017 04 28 131639 img 0643


These are super easy to make. They will keep well in the fridge for a few days (if you can resist them that long).


  1. Small 116367 2f2017 04 28 131515 img 0636

    Crush Biscuits. Spoon the biscuit into the base of your serving dishes. Keep a little crumb back to garnish the top later.

  2. Small 116367 2f2017 04 28 131554 img 0637

    Mix cheese & condensed milk together.

  3. Small 116367 2f2017 04 28 131559 img 0638

    Add vanilla. Stir through.

  4. Small 116367 2f2017 04 28 131606 img 0639

    Add lime juice slowly to the mixture. 1 tbsp at a time, mix well between addition.

  5. Small 116367 2f2017 04 28 131613 img 0640

    Spoon cheesecake mixture on top of biscuit base.

  6. Small 116367 2f2017 04 28 131625 img 0641

    Spoon remaining crumb over the top of the Cheesecake. Place in fridge for at least 4 hours, but better overnight.

  7. Small 116367 2f2017 04 28 131632 img 0643
