Imatation Painted Glass Wall Or Window Hangings

Ah I spelled imitation wrong. XD

Posted by Jean


Another use for those inexpensive second hand frames and cute napkins.


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 Napkins
  • 1 Picture Frame
  • 1 White Glue or any clear drying glue
  • 1 Paint Brush
  • Nail File
  • 1 Nail File

Steps (9 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Find an interesting second hand or dollar store frame.

    I paid 50 cents for this from the local Good Will.

  2. 2

    This pack of napkins has four different designs in it, and they go very well with my bedroom design.

    Too bad they had only one of the frames. :(

  3. 3

    Very carefully peel the printed sheet from the backing of the napkin.

    Remember, some have three layers, you will be working with just the top printed layer.

  4. 4

    Check on how you want to center the image on the glass.

    Be careful the image is delicate. Trim off the excess paper. It is ok to leave it a bit larger than you need, it can be trimmed later.

    Better a tad to large than too small.

  5. 5

    Clean the glass from the frame and paint one side of it with your decoupage glue, or any glue that will dry clear.

  6. 6

    Very gently lay the napkin printed side up on the coated glass. Let dry thoroughly.

  7. 7

    Once it is dry it is time to clean up the edges.

    I find a nail file works great to remove the small overhangs.

    Very gently draw the file over the edge, pulling toward you. Gently remove all the excess edges.

  8. 8

    If you like how it looks in the frame with the number of coats of decoupage glue on it, secure in the frame, and hang on your wall.

  9. 9

    You wall hangings are only limited by your imagination!