Cut Out + Keep

Ice Cream Custard

super easy • Posted by ihsana z.

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Project Budget


1 h 39


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc03545 1297658853



  1. Small dsc03532 1297659536

    Pack your biscuits on the bottom of your tray.

  2. Small dsc03533 1297659577

    pour milk over the biscuits.

  3. Small dsc03539 1297659603

    cook custard and pour it over the biscuits and let it cool.

  4. Small dsc03541 1297659656

    do top with ice cream.

  5. Small dsc03542 1297659656

    and jelly

  6. Small dsc03543 1297659675

    and more jelly

  7. Small dsc03544 1297659677

    and more jelly

  8. Small dsc03545 1297659701

    and tadaaaa. Then stick it in the fridge to set. When it has set, take it out and serve! It's not gonna last long.