Ice Cream Cup Top Hat

I scream you scream we all scream for... umm what is it...oh yeah ICECREAM

Posted by mallory j.


I love taking old containers and making new accessories :-)
YAY how to make a beautiful Edy's ice-cream top hat. Feel free to use them at parties with kids they eat the ice-cream and then they make a hat it's genious if I do say so myself. Happy crafting


You Will Need (5 things)

  • pair of Scissors
  • Paper
  • Gems, Buttons, Stickers
  • Glue
  • Scotch Tape

Steps (10 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    First eat all the ice-cream YUM!

  2. 2

    first get yourself some lovely sheets of paper

  3. 3

    some gems

  4. 4

    some scissors

  5. 5

    and last but not least a miniature Edy's ice-cream container.

  6. 6

    Get your sheet of pretty paper and your ice-cream container and make a small mark on your paper and cut the paper to fit around the lovely Edy's container.

  7. 7

    Next cut the paper for the base of the container and glue the paper to your container.

  8. 8

    next take the lid of the ice-cream container and put it on the desired sheet of colored paper and make a line around the lid like so:

  9. 9

    next cut this circle out and glue it to your lid after this cut a small strip of paper to fit around the entire side of the lid

  10. 10

    Finally decorate you hat with buttons, gems etc. TA-DA