Cut Out + Keep

I <3 Guts T Shirt

Anatomical Fashion • Posted by spright

I started with a plain black shirt. Then I traced organs and bones onto appropriate colored t-shirt scraps. Then I pinned all my pieces on the black shirt and hand sewed everything on. I really love this shirt and wear it all the time. I get lots of compliments on it :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Medium hni 0057 1253747485 Medium hni 0054 1253747504 Medium hni 0055 1253747534


I started with a plain black shirt. Then I traced organs and bones onto appropriate colored t-shirt scraps. Then I pinned all my pieces on the black shirt and hand sewed everything on. I really love this shirt and wear it all the time. I get lots of compliments on it :)
