• Posted by Violette Lovelace
A simple, yet elegant cardigan. Gives the wearer a light and airy feeling. A perfect comfort for warm spring days. Takes about a day to make. Available in 3 sizes S (M, L) or 36 (40, 44). Special Stitches- SK2P - Slip 1, K2Tog, Pass slipped stitch over the K2Tog K3Tog - Knit 3 stitches together
A simple, yet elegant cardigan. Gives the wearer a light and airy feeling. A perfect comfort for warm spring days. Takes about a day to make. Available in 3 sizes S (M, L) or 36 (40, 44). Special Stitches- SK2P - Slip 1, K2Tog, Pass slipped stitch over the K2Tog K3Tog - Knit 3 stitches together
Sleeves- With smaller needles, cast on 54 (58, 62) and join in a round. Ribbing - Round 1: *K2, P2* K2 Round 2: *P2, K2* P2 Repeat for a total of ten rounds. Change to stockinette stitch and knit for 7" (8", 9"). Knit around once more and bind off the last nine stitches, pulling through the last stitch. Break yarn, leaving a 12" tail for sewing. Place stitches on a holder or scrap yarn. Repeat for other sleeve.
Body- Using the long-tail cast on, with larger needles cast on 150 (168, 186) Ribbing - Rows 1 and 4: *K2, P2* K2 Rows 2 and 3: *P2, K2* P2 Repeat until you have a total of ten rows, ending on an RS row. Next row (WS): K2, P2, K2, P2, place marker, purl across until the last 8 sts, place marker, P2, K2, P2, K2
Row 1(RS): P2, K2, P2, K2, slip marker, knit to last 8 sts, slip marker, K2, P2, K2, P2 Row 2(WS): P2, K2, P2, K2, slip marker, purl to last 8 sts, slip marker, K2, P2, K2, P2 Row 3(RS): K2, P2, K2, P2, slip marker, knit to last 8 sts, slip marker, P2, K2, P2, K2 Row 4(WS): K2, P2, K2, P2, slip marker, purl to last 8 sts, slip marker, P2, K2, P2, K2 Repeat these 4 rows until entire piece measures 4" (5", 6"), and end with a RS row.
Next Row(WS): Keeping with the established border pattern, work 33 (38, 42) sts, bind off 9, purl 66 (74, 84), bind off 9, work 33 (38, 42). Next Row(RS): Work until you reach the bound off sts. Place marker. Knit in the first sleeves sts. Place marker. Work to the second bound off section. Place marker. Knit in the second sleeve sts. Place marker. Work to the end of the row. You should have a total of of 222 (248, 274) sts. Continue to work piece until it measures 8.5" (9", 9.5") from beginning, ending on a WS row.
Shoulder Decreases- Row 1(RS): Work border, sl marker, sk2p, sl marker, work until 3 sts from next marker, sk2p, sl marker, K3Tog, knit to 3 sts from next marker, sk2p, sl marker, K3Tog, work to 3 sts from next marker, K3Tog, sl marker, work border. Row 2(ws): Work in pattern, purl across, work in pattern You will come to a point where your first and last decrease will meet the decrease next to it. On the next decrease row, and all following decreases, you will remove their marker on either side and they will each become one decrease. Work these decreases until you have a total of 66 (74, 82) sts remaining. Work one last WS row.
Collar- Round 1: *K2, P2* K2 Round 2: *P2, K2* P2 Repeat for a total of ten rounds. Bind off in pattern.
Finishing- Sew underarm sleeves. Weave in all loose ends. If desired, single crochet around the border of your cardigan for a nice neat finish.