• Posted by Pam A.
Trace a piece of artwork onto cotton fabric where you will embroider the design creating a beautiful cherished keepsake you can keep forever or gift to friends and family,
Trace a piece of artwork onto cotton fabric where you will embroider the design creating a beautiful cherished keepsake you can keep forever or gift to friends and family,
Gather your supplies. You will need cotton fabric (a light color suitable for tracing), cotton embroidery thread, scissors, an embroidery hoop (that is big enough to center your drawing in), an embroidery needle, masking tape, a pencil, and your child's drawing.
Tape your child's drawing to a bright window. Tape a piece of light cotton fabric over it and then lightly trace the drawing with your pencil.
Place the drawing centered in your embroidery hoop and begin to embroider over the design.
When you are all finished, turn your hoop over and finish off the back by creating a running stitch through the perimeter of the overhanging fabric. When you get all the way around, cinch it and knot to secure
Now trim the excess fabric and so that the back lays flat and it is ready to hang!
And viola! A masterpiece has been born. These make fantastic gifts for family, friends and teachers!