• Posted by Jet H.
I had to make a tail for my mouse plushie and i thought you will like it to learn this easy peasy trick i'm using as well;-D I had learn this trick from my mum and use it always;-D In just a few minutes you can turn easily a stip of fabric, Just try it out yourself;-D Thanks for stopping by;-D.
I had to make a tail for my mouse plushie and i thought you will like it to learn this easy peasy trick i'm using as well;-D I had learn this trick from my mum and use it always;-D In just a few minutes you can turn easily a stip of fabric, Just try it out yourself;-D Thanks for stopping by;-D.
Cut out the strip of fabric you will need. Mine measures where 5 cm (2 inches) x 46 cm (16 inches) Because mine was a becomming a tail i have rounded up the end that you will close down, but you don't have to;-D
Cut off a double size thread of knitting yarn that must be longer then your strip of fabric and lay on the ends a knot.
Lay the fabric flat down. lay a double yarn with a knot that is a little bit longer then your fabric strip with the knot out side the fabric on the right side of your fabric. Because i made a tail the knot is laying on the rounded end. Or by you the traight end that will be closed.!!!
Fold the the fabric in two, pin it down. Pin the yarn between the fabric to the middle of the fold inside so you can't sew it per petrate with stiching it together.
sew the strip on two sides, leave the side with the lob open. Sew when you came agross the knot side of the yarn twice over the yarn so it will be strong to pull on it later on. See the picture.
the turning. push with a pencil the first piece inside the strip, so you don't see the knot anymore. that will be enough.
Almost done!!!;-D Now you must pull on the lub, there will be wrinkles pick with one hand a wrinkle and pull with your other hand on the lub, you will see that it's easy to turn the strip to the right side;-D do this over and over till the end, and ... you're almost done;-D watch the picture!!!! Ps click on it then you will see the whole picture!!!;-D
Now you have a nice strip of fabric or like i have a tail;-D On the closed side you have still a thread of yarn.
the last step!!!Yeaaaaaah;LOL cut of carefully the yarn nearly by the fabric. You're finished.;-D Hope you understood this smart easy peasy trick and love it, just try it out by yourself;-D Thank you for stopping by;-D