Cut Out + Keep

How To Re-use An Instant Camera Film

re-use an empty instant camera film • Posted by danieljossen

this is how to reuse an empty instant camera film.

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Almost Nothing


0 h 01


Pretty Easy
Medium 110110 2f2015 07 26 214523 img 2738


this is how to reuse an empty instant camera film.


  1. Small 110110 2f2015 07 26 214721 img 2733

    First. You need an empty film

  2. Small 110110 2f2015 07 26 214742 img 2736

    On the side of the film box, you will find a plastic band. This is, where you can insert the photo.

  3. Small 110110 2f2015 07 26 214835 img 2737

    Just insert it gently. The same way you can remove it later or add more if you want to store them.

  4. Small 110110 2f2015 07 26 214921 img 2738

    Tadaaaa. Place it somewhere and keep taking pictures:) If you want, you can just add some stickers or anything you like, to make it look more special. Just use your imagination. Enjoy