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How To Paint Upholstered Furniture

How to avoid sewing piping... PAINT your upholstered furniture • Posted by Charlotte S.

Believe it or not, basic latex paint can be used to transform old and dirty upholstery. Simply add some fabric medium and water and voila... a new and improved piece of furniture is moments away.

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2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 103705 2f2014 08 02 040247 dsc 0119


Believe it or not, basic latex paint can be used to transform old and dirty upholstery. Simply add some fabric medium and water and voila... a new and improved piece of furniture is moments away.


  1. Small 103705 2f2014 08 02 040306 dsc 0867

    Choose an old, drab or outdate piece of furniture for updating. This chair was a dirty peach velvet.

  2. Small 103705 2f2014 08 02 040731 dsc 0878

    Tape off any wood that's around the upholstery to protect it from the paint.

  3. Small 103705 2f2014 08 02 040319 dsc 0875

    Mix 1/3 paint to 1/3 fabric medium (found at the craft store) to 1/3 water. First, spray your chair with water. Quite a bit. You want your fabric to be damp, not spritzed. Then go over with your paint mixture. Use your fingers and/ or a smaller brush to get into all the nooks and crannies of the upholstery.

  4. Small 103705 2f2014 08 02 040330 dsc 0882

    This is how it looked after only 1 coat.

  5. Small 103705 2f2014 08 02 040350 dsc 0884

    Don't be afraid to use your fingers and really work the paint into the fabric. Sand lightly between coats... I know it seems weird, but you don't want your paint to be rough. Repeat with as many coats as needed... my chair took 3.

  6. Small 103705 2f2014 08 02 040401 dsc 0120

    Doesn't it look better? So rich. The fabric feels like a soft canvas... so not stiff or scratchy, but not a bit like the velvet that it was before painting.

  7. Small 103705 2f2014 08 02 040405 dsc 0127

    And much easier than sewing all the piping to reupholster!