How To Open A Pomegranate


Posted by Hypergraphia


I learned this technique a few years ago to keep yourself juice-free when you open a juicy pomegranate. A tip for picking out your pom: pick one that is unblemished and feels heavy for its size. It should not be shrunken so that you can see its "ribs". Plumpness means juice :)

If you have any questions, just message me :)


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Knife
  • Pomegranate
  • Bowl Of Water
  • Mesh Tea Strainer Or Cheesecloth

Steps (13 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather your supplies:

    Large knife
    Plump pomegranate
    Bowl of water

  2. 2

    Cut the pom in half

  3. 3

    looks bloody :0

    Cut each half in half again (so quarters)

  4. 4

    Cut in half, yet again, so that you have 8 wedges

  5. 5

    Put one wedge into the water

  6. 6

    Expose the seeds as much as possible

  7. 7

    Do this under the water:
    Gently rub the pad of your thumb along the seeds. This slight amount of pressure should loosen the seeds so that they will pop out of the casing. This takes a bit of practice, but that is why it is under water! So that the juice doesn't get all over your clothes :)

  8. 8

    Do this until all the seeds are out. If you see greyish brown seeds, pull them out and set to the side, they have gone bad. I find it easy to tear away the empty parts (the membrane and inedible parts) of the pom to expose the long rows of seeds.

    Do this for of the 8 pieces

  9. 9

    So if your like me, bits of the membrane get stuck with the seeds.

  10. 10

    Grab a mesh tea strainer (if you don't have one, cheese cloth will work also). Act like your cleaning out a pool! Fish out all the membrane and some of the casing that has come off. Also, if you fluff up the seeds at the bottom by stirring them, you will catch more detritus.

  11. 11

    Dump the water and pom seeds into a strainer.

  12. 12

    Pick out any little bits and your done!

    I never seem to keep mine for more than a few days. They are a great snack to munch on, so they don't last long!

    Add them to salads, eat them on the go, or...

  13. 13

    Make a yogurt, granny smith apple, gala apple, raspberry, and pom salad.
