Cut Out + Keep

How To Make Onigiri

Deliciousness • Posted by Masha V.

So I said I'd do a how-to on onigiri many many months ago -- I'm very sorry it took me so long. :( Today I finally decided that I have to use the umeboshi in my fridge, and pulled my boyfriend into making onigiri with me (though he thought pickled plums to be repulsive and used tuna and chicken instead). I hope you like it. :)

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Medium p1010635 1240536871


So I said I'd do a how-to on onigiri many many months ago -- I'm very sorry it took me so long. :( Today I finally decided that I have to use the umeboshi in my fridge, and pulled my boyfriend into making onigiri with me (though he thought pickled plums to be repulsive and used tuna and chicken instead). I hope you like it. :)


  1. Small p1010626 1240537036

    Gather your materials. Short grain rice is best for this because it's the stickiest, and you can use anything you want as a filling -- umeboshi, tuna and mayonnaise, salted salmon, pickles... whatever.

  2. Small p1010625 1240537595

    Cover up 1 1/2 cup rice with 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and let it stand for 20 minutes. Take it off the heat and let it cool down for about 5-10 minutes under the pot cover.

  3. Small p1010628 copy 1240537766

    Take a small cup and put saran wrap in it, draping a good bit over the sides. You can shape it with your bare hands, but this method doesn't burn... Wet your hands with water and a bit of salt. If you want, splash in a bit of rice vinegar and salt into the saran wrap-- either for taste, or just if you want the rice to stick together better.

  4. Small p1010629 1240537976

    Put in a blob or rice, make an indentation in the middle of it, and place a bit of your filling there. Cover with more rice.

  5. Small p1010630 1240538043

    Twist the saran wrap into a little bag and press the rice together.

  6. Small p1010631 1240538127

    Shape the ball of rice into a triangle (or a sphere, or just a ball). I (badly) drew in my other hand to show how to squish it into a triangle, since it was busy holding the camera. :P

  7. Small p1010634 1240538240

    After you're done making the rice balls, set them aside and cut the seaweed paper into strips, if you have it. It's not necessary, but it makes picking up the onigiri easier.

  8. Small p1010636 1240538513

    Wrap the seaweed paper around the onigiri any way you want, or cut it up into shapes-- and voila! You have yourself some tasty onigiri.

  9. Small p1010632 1240538703

    These are my boyfriend's first ever onigiri (before he put them on a plate). :D