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There are tons of ways to make cute fabric flowers, here are some of my favorites!
There are tons of ways to make cute fabric flowers, here are some of my favorites!
Elegant Flower:
Use a compass, round object, or free hand to draw some circles of various sizes.
They don't have to be even!
Light a candle.
Carefully run the farbic circles above the flame (NOT THROUGH!) Test small peices of fabric first, as many fabrics will not work.
After all the circles have been through the candle, stack one on top of the other to form a flower.
Sew the very center back and forth. I added a little bead in the center for fun.
Cute out one large round circle (about half the size of desired flower) and lots of petals, ranging from large, to very small. I prefere to cut out large ones only, then cut smaller and smaller petals out as i go. Run all peices through a candle.
Glue the large petals on to the edge of the circle, and continue cutting smaller ones out, singing, and glueing till you finish.
It should ook somthing like this when it's done.
I glued a barret to the back, but a safty pin is good too. You can also glue a snap (you know, the pair of button lke things that snap together?) to the back, and a snap to a barret, back, backpack, or anything so you can change them out quickly.
Yo Yo's my way:
Cut out a strip of fabric half as wide as you'd like the yo yo to be. Mine is about a foot long.
Hand stick the side close, and gather.
When the two raw adegs meet, sew together. Flip over and admire! Because there is a hole in the center, (yo yo's don't) you can change them out easily.
I make a tiny flower puff, glued it to a bobby pin, and slid the new flower up the other side. It looked so cute!
Mix and match Flowers! Stick one on top of the other, stack them, mix them, try out different combos!
Elegant flower over my yo yo looks very chic.