How To Make Dangly Earrings With Sleepers
Dangly earrings for kids!
Posted by Anjellee
I felt like having dangly earrings so i made them ^.^
Sorry that the photos are blurry.
You Will Need (4 things)
- 6 Bead(s)
- Beading Wire
- Wire Cutters
- Hoop Earrings
Steps (5 steps, 10 minutes)
First cut your wire till it is 15cm long and thread 3 beads in the middle of the wire.
Get the end of the wire and thread it through the second bead.
Twist the wire so it reaches the end of the wire, cut the excess wire that hasn't been twisted.
Get your wire and put it on the earrings so it looks like a pulley on a earring.
Twist the wire on top of the first bead and flatten the wire hanging out with the wire cutter.
Now wear them and enjoy ^.^