How To Make Cake Balls

yummy moist balls of cake and frosting

Posted by Leah Lollipop


no pictures yet, as i havent made them in a while and dont have the stuff for it right now. DX


You Will Need (3 things)

  • any flavour Cake Mix you want
  • 1 can Frosting of complimentary flavour
  • Chocolate or white chocolate

Steps (5 steps, 55 minutes)

  1. 1

    wait for cake to cool, then in a bowl smush cake and frosting together into a frosting-y cakey paste

  2. 2

    form into balls, or any shape really, its up to you! place on cookie sheet and chill

  3. 3

    bake a cake! any flavour u want!

  4. 4

    meanwhile, melt chocolate, colour if using white (or not ^_^)

  5. 5

    cover or drizzle with chocolate, place back on cookie sheet and chill some more.

    serve chilled or room temp.