Cut Out + Keep

How To : Make A Narutomaki Ring

plushie how to • Posted by Kawaii'Cake'Roll

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium img 4730



  1. Small img 4713

    1st draw a wiggly edged circle for the template then a swirl template and your ready ! trace the wiggly circle template on to the white felt do 2

  2. Small img 4714

    then cut

  3. Small img 4715

    trace swirl template on to the pink felt do 1 and cut

  4. Small img 4717

    then wash the ink off and dry by pressing the felt cut outs between a towel .

  5. Small img 4718

    then cut a piece of ribbon the size of your finger .

  6. Small img 4719

    then glue it in place ( but make sure not too lev sharp edges and let dry )

  7. Small img 4721

    sew the the pink swirl on to the white wiggly circle withe the pink thread

  8. Small img 4722

    and wen the glue is dry sew the ribbon circle on too the other piece of white felt with the white

  9. Small img 4724

    then sew

  10. Small img 4728

    but lev a opining

  11. Small img 4729

    then stuff finish sewing it and your dun !