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How To Make A Giraffe Using Text

a really cute but complicated giraffe • Posted by Little P.

a really cute but complicated giraffe xx

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a really cute but complicated giraffe xx


  1. okay first is the ears which are slash / bracket ) the double i ii slash / bracket ) it should look like this (you have to put in 2 spaces for it to work) /)ii/) it looks funny with this font it will look alot better in arial

  2. now for the head which is bracket ( o as in letter o space speech marks " space bracket ) it should now look like this /)ii/) (o " )

  3. im going to break this down because it gets tricky the first line of the neck is just space x3 vertical line (v line for short) | space v line | the second line is the same but instead of space you put o (optional) now it should be like this /)ii/) (o " ) | | |o|

  4. the third line is space x3 v line | space v line | line _ x8 v line x2 (hope this makes sense) now it should look like this /)ii/) (o " ) | | |o| | |________||

  5. forth line is space x3 v line | space x6 o space x 3 v line | it should now look like this /)ii/) (o " ) | | |o| | |________|| | o |

  6. next line is space x3 v line | space o line x6 _ o space v line | it should look like this /)ii/) (o " ) | | |o| | |________|| | o | | o______o |

  7. the last two lines are the same - space x3 v line x2 space v line x2 space x4 vline x2 space v line x2 it should look like this /)ii/) (o " ) | | |o| | |________|| | o | | o______o | || || || || || || || ||

  8. thanks enjoy xxx!! :):)