• Posted by Munnazah C.
First, you need to prepare an area to work in and get all your equipment.
Now you need to get your card and fold it in half landscape.Then on half your folded card draw a shape you would like to make a decoration of such as a heart, tree, reindeer, flower any shape you like.Remember to only draw half the shape on one of the sides.
After you have drawn the shape you then need to cut it out and then that is your template. Next, you need to get your felt fold it in half and put your template on it, draw the shape outline on your felt with a fabric marker or crayon.
Now, you need to cut the shape from the felt out. Now you have two pieces of your desired shape.Now its time for the sewing part!
Get your thread and needle and tie a knot. Now you can begin sewing.The stitch i prefer to do is running stitch. To do this you start from the back of one of the pieces and go all the way in. Then put your needle through the front and pull to get a straight line which means its worked. Keep going till you get nearly all the way around your shape.You could also do back stitch which works just as well which just requires you to thread through the back again and again. simple
Remember to leave a space to put your stuffing in.When you have sewed around the shape and have left a space you need to stuff this with fluff or cotton wool. This will make it look more 3d and good.
When you have finished it should look something like this. Remember you can use whichever colors, sizes and shapes you would like it doesn't just have to be a heart like mine. Have fun making!