• Posted by Laura d.
If you're all into Christmas, or just want to do something :P here's how to cut, fold and glue pieces of paper into a star!
If you're all into Christmas, or just want to do something :P here's how to cut, fold and glue pieces of paper into a star!
gather: - scissors - stapler - tape - 6 (or more, if you make mistakes ;)) pieces of paper
fold the paper into a triangle
cut the strip of paper outside the triangle so it makes a real triangle IMPORTANT: you don't have to do this if you use square pieces of paper!
fold it in half again, so you've fold it two times
cut it twice, so you have three equally wide strips, but stop at the edge to leave it in one piece (this can require some practise!). fold it open ONCE, so you still have a triangle.
take the inner part. fold it open and form a kind of tube. tape it.
take the outer part and do the same as you did to the inner part. Do the same to the middle part. IMPORTANT: the middle part points in the other direction than the outer and inner part! <- it should look like this now
fold the lower or upper corner a bit, so you have a kind of an ear effect. This will help with stapling. IMPORTANT: it doesn't matter if you fold the upper or lower corner, but all 6 parts must be folded the same! REPEAT STEP 1-8 UNTIL YOU HAVE SIX EQUAL PARTS
now take all the six pieces and staple/tape them together at the middle and at the bottom. IMPORTANT: they must all point in the same direction, so the longest sides all have to be OR at the left OR at the right. you have to choose one!
and your star is finished! it should look a bit like this now