Cut Out + Keep

Right Twist Cable Scarf Pattern

A new twist on cables • Posted by Violette Lovelace

If you've been knitting for a while, you know that cables are one of those really popular techniques that look hard to do, but are actually pretty basic. But what if there was an easier, simpler, cuter, tinier way to make cables? Check out my new tutorial where I teach you a technique called the "right-twist," and then you can test it out yourself using this basic scarf pattern. :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


6 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 110782 2f2015 12 21 205022 righttwise


If you've been knitting for a while, you know that cables are one of those really popular techniques that look hard to do, but are actually pretty basic. But what if there was an easier, simpler, cuter, tinier way to make cables? Check out my new tutorial where I teach you a technique called the "right-twist," and then you can test it out yourself using this basic scarf pattern. :)


  1. Small 110782 2f2015 09 02 212720 tumblr nu2bjr1u181teuczbo5 1280

    You will need- One skein of worsted weight yarn (I used red heart super saver in rose pink) One set of US8/5mm knitting needles Scissors A darning needle

  2. Small 110782 2f2015 09 02 212723 tumblr nu2bjr1u181teuczbo7 1280

    Ok! Let's start!~ Step one: Cast on 40 sts. Row 1: (All Odd rows will be WS) Set up a K2P2 pattern Row 2: (All Even rows will be RS) Continue in K2P2 pattern Row 3: (WS) K2P2

  3. Small 110782 2f2015 09 02 212834 tumblr nu2bjr1u181teuczbo4 1280

    Row 4: (RS) K2tog without pulling the stitches off your needle. Knit back into the first stitch, creating another stitch. Pull the original K2tog off of your needle. Congrats! You've made your first Right Twist! Purl the next two stitches, and continue in this pattern for the rest of the row.

  4. Small 110782 2f2015 09 02 212837 tumblr nu2bjr1u181teuczbo8 1280

    Continue these 4 rows until your scarf is as long as you want. I worked it for 60". Work rows 1-3 one more time. Bind off in pattern. A simple, yet impressive project! :D