Cut Out + Keep

How To Get Your Kitten To Stop Eating Your Hand...

...or we can just call it what it is: a really ugly and deformed stuffed hand. xD • Posted by *Witchy Rachie*

Oreo wouldn't stop chewing our hands up--whether she was playing or "nursing," so I decided to make her a hand substitute. She loves it! Success. :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


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Oreo wouldn't stop chewing our hands up--whether she was playing or "nursing," so I decided to make her a hand substitute. She loves it! Success. :)


  1. Small img 0575 1279901736

    Trace loosely around your hand, leaving enough room to sew a good hem. Cut it out.

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    Put the first cutout face-down on the fabric. trace around that and cut it out, too.

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    Pin it up!

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    Sew it up except for the wrist area. You need to keep it open for now!

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    turn it right-side out. This will be problematic with the fingers. A pair of tweezers and the paintbrush/knitting needle will help.

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    Stuff the hand with fabric scraps. They keep it stiffer, and more hand-like. Use the brush/needle to stuff the fingers. When the hand is completely stuffed and quite stiff, sew up the loose wrist.

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    Give it to your little monster! <3