How To Fix: Shirt 'Tails'

a quick way to slim your shirt down without a 'tail'

Posted by kilikili


First off I want to thank everyone for such a great response to my 'boatneck shirt' how to! Everytime i got one of those e-mail notifications that someone added my how to to their favourites it made me really happy! (:

Don't you just hate when girls (hopefully no guys do this) have those little tails at the back of their shirts because they want it to be more formfitting? Here's a quick tutorial that will teach you how to fix those problems. a tail of a tale. hahaha..

i'm sorry my bum looks really gross in the pictures above..


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Ponytail Holders
  • 1 Safety Pin(s)
  • 1 Shirt

Steps (8 steps, 2 minutes)

  1. 1

    this trick works best with t-shirts or long sleeves that have a lot of floating fabric around your waist, (like the one in the picture).

  2. 2

    the best ponytail(s) to use are the thin ones. Its best if the ponytail is the same or a similar shade of colour to your shirt.

  3. 3

    I personally use the little gold safety pins that come of ribbons for track and field, but silver (or even coloured ones if you have them)would be best. size wise, i would recommend the 18mm mainly because they're easier to hide.

    SOO, with all that being said: put your shirt on, and lets get started!

  4. 4

    take the shirt and tie all the loose material into a 'ponytail' (like you normally would)

    i took all these pictures with the shirt OFF me, that way it was easier to take pictures.

  5. 5

    note: if you're doing this on yourself, turn the shirt around (so the back is at the front).

    put three pins in the ponytail part of the material. one on either side, and one in the middle. leave all three pins open

  6. 6

    fold the ponytail under the shirt

  7. 7

    pin the ponytail to the shirt so that the ponytail is now tucked UNDER the shirt and pinned. don't forget to close the pins.

    note: make sure that only a sliver of the pin is showing through the shirt, in the picture i circled where the pins are.. see how difficult they'd be to see?

  8. 8


    i don't know about you guys.. but i kind of like how it poofs out at the back. if you don't like it, too bad because there's no way to avoid it. :P