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How To Fix A Bikini

This is how I fix my bikini • Posted by zorenne z.

The past summer I've gained some weight but I love my bikini. So I decided to fix it instead of buy a new one.

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Medium 108237 2f2015 03 27 234346 img 20140822 141300


The past summer I've gained some weight but I love my bikini. So I decided to fix it instead of buy a new one.


  1. Small 108237 2f2015 03 27 234101 img 20140813 011556

    This is the original piece of the bikini

  2. Small 108237 2f2015 03 27 234115 img 20140813 011726

    To make the hip more wide, I cut the side like this.

  3. Small 108237 2f2015 03 27 234156 img 20140813 012929

    I fold it and I sew it letting a space for the ribbon

  4. Small 108237 2f2015 03 27 234227 img 20140813 021704

    I put a ribbon like this, to make a bow

  5. Small 108237 2f2015 03 27 234259 img 20140813 021746

    This is how the bikini looks with the bows. I can adjust it.

  6. Small 108237 2f2015 03 27 234319 img 20140822 141300

    To make it more prettier, I put some white and blue beads at the end of the ribbon.