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How To Finger Knit.

Based on How To Finger Knit. by CraftingFairy • Posted by SyntheticStars

Thanks CraftingFairy for your How-to, no one else has been able to teach me finger knitting before. I made this in an hour in front of the telly, and I'm going to make pompoms for the ends when I can get to the shop to buy another ball of yarn!

You will need


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf7528 1272794131 Medium dscf7526edit 1272794192


Thanks CraftingFairy for your How-to, no one else has been able to teach me finger knitting before. I made this in an hour in front of the telly, and I'm going to make pompoms for the ends when I can get to the shop to buy another ball of yarn!
