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How To Draw A Pointillism Portrait

A tutorial showing how I create portrait pieces using pointillism • Posted by Sophia M Sketches

I am absolutely obsessed with drawing portraits in the pointillism style therefore today I am putting together a step by step tutorial teaching you how I draw my pointillism pieces. I hope to inspire you to want to recreate and learn this technique for yourself.

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Medium 2021 02 23 101245 8409fdb5 fb4d 4021 b77a b3d45c4fd374


I am absolutely obsessed with drawing portraits in the pointillism style therefore today I am putting together a step by step tutorial teaching you how I draw my pointillism pieces. I hope to inspire you to want to recreate and learn this technique for yourself.


  1. Small 2021 02 23 102311 5d2c8b4a 77ec 49a6 ba68 f594b0cc89f9 1 201 a

    Firstly, you would begin by completing the initial sketch for the desired pointillism piece. I personally find that completing a rough sketch in pencil first allows for more precision when moving onto the fine liners as you are aware of the areas you will need to shade. If you are not confident with drawing faces feel free to trace using tracing paper or a light up board.

  2. Small 2021 02 23 102425 1a18c1ad 3523 4a61 834f d257694464a4

    Once we have the initial sketch, you take the 0.8mm fine liner and outline the hair. This is something I do to all my pointillism pieces as I believe the contrast between the face and hair makes the portrait stand out a lot more. Please ignore how the ear has been completed, I just wanted to showcase a snippet of what the final results of this pointillism piece would look like.

  3. Small 2021 02 23 102543 54bdc26d 298d 4b19 a1c3 25e5c190afb9

    Pointillism is a very simple art process once you get the hang of it. They key is patience and working in sections. To begin with, you should grab your 0.5mm fine liner and start to dot only on the edge of the chosen section. This would be where the shadow and darkest contours of the face are. Then grab your 0.3mm fine liner and start dotting below this. The key is to make it look like the dots are slowly changing from biggest to smallest. A key trick would be to start dotting with the 0.3mm fine liner in some areas of 0.5mm and slowly bring it out more. Do not panic if your dots do not look neat or in place as they will blend together once we start using the smaller sized fine liners.

  4. Small 2021 02 23 102733 743e4dd7 0781 4843 91bf 5997af711c21

    Now you want to repeat the process with the smaller fine liners below 0.3mm which are usually 0.2, 0.1 and 0.05mm. The reasoning for the larger finer liners starting at the edge and the smaller fine liners finishing towards the centre of the face is to create the illusion of the dots slowly fading into nothing. This is the look I like to achieve when creating my pointillism pieces! You may then repeat these steps onto the remainder of the contours of the face.

  5. Small 2021 02 23 102858 ba68fc55 7a84 48e1 96a0 5dce441f85a6

    For the eyebrows, I use the 0.5mm fine liner to get the base layer of the eyebrows and towards the ends of the eyebrows as they tend to be darker, I go over the base hair strokes with a 0.2mm and 0.3mm fine liner to add definition. The same process can be used for the eyelashes. In regards to the eyes, I repeat the same process I did for the contours of the face. Be careful to leave white highlights in the middle of the pupil to make the eyes more realistic. As you are working on a smaller surface area, feel free to not use every fine liner - I used 0.3, 0.1 and 0.05mm.

  6. Small 2021 02 23 103035 5f1e4a75 61dd 4c26 baff d0b900b59f36

    As you continue the same process for the remaining contours of the face you should see it begin to come to life. The dots should look like they are starting in the darker areas of the face and slowly fading away when approaching the lighter areas.