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How To Draw A Cat

Pinterest Perfect! • Posted by Creative Publishing international

Cats are fun to draw. Follow along with the step-by-step process and tweak as needed to replicate your favorite furry feline friend. Your preferred drawing material: pen/pencil etc. Real-Life Kitty muse (non-essential, but recommended)

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Nice & Simple
Medium 102251 2f2014 05 31 122708 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.26.56 Medium 102251 2f2014 05 31 123032 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.30.27


Cats are fun to draw. Follow along with the step-by-step process and tweak as needed to replicate your favorite furry feline friend. Your preferred drawing material: pen/pencil etc. Real-Life Kitty muse (non-essential, but recommended)


  1. Small 102251 2f2014 05 31 122711 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.27.06

    I start with the face and ears...

  2. Small 102251 2f2014 05 31 122726 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.27.22

    Draw in this direction. Try and do it in one continuous line.

  3. Small 102251 2f2014 05 31 122752 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.27.42

    Next, the tail...and butt (tee hee)

  4. Small 102251 2f2014 05 31 122835 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.28.19

    Cats’ tails are very expressive. Here are a few different tail-spressions: Relaxed, Angry, Scared, Playful.

  5. Small 102251 2f2014 05 31 122853 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.28.51

    Give the poor cat some legs already! Don’t forget the tiny kitty toes. Aww! Follow the same basic outline but make your line squiggly for a fluffy cat.

  6. Small 102251 2f2014 05 31 122913 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.29.11

    Let’s draw the face now. Try out some different expressions – disdainful (default), shocked, happy, angry, sleepy, guilty, noisy, windy.

  7. Small 102251 2f2014 05 31 122934 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.29.29

    Add some essential details – Whiskers, food bowl, jaunty hat, snazzy bow tie, fur, expensive toys that he never plays with.

  8. Small 102251 2f2014 05 31 122955 screen%2bshot%2b2014 05 31%2bat%2b13.29.53

    Artists Tip: Look at some real cats (or just look on the Internet, it’s basically made of cats) and try drawing their markings. You can simplify them to get a good, graphic effect…or just make it up!