How To Do Hair Pastels

A quick inexpensive way to colour your hair

Posted by BetsyBGood


A while ago I bought some hair pastels on eBay. They are a super-quick and inexpensive way to colour your hair


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Water
  • Hair Straighteners
  • Hair Pastels

Steps (3 steps, 3 minutes)

  1. 1

    Divide the hair into sections. On dry hair, rub the hair pastel over the hair as desired.

  2. 2

    The seller I bought from recommend that you first spray your hair with water and then seal the product into the hair using a flat iron or curlers. I found the water step was unnecessary, and after sealing the pastel into my hair with straighteners, the product was difficult to remove from my hair (ie: after 2 shampoos with clarifying shampoo, I still had a little residue left in my hair the next day).

  3. 3

    The hair pastels make your hair very matte, which is excellent if you’re doing a hair style that requires backcombing, but not so great if you’re planing to run a comb through your hair after applying the pastels. The hair is very easy to style afterwards using fingers.