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How to do a low lace braided bun

How to do a low lace braid into a braided bun updo • Posted by abellasbraids

This is a fairly simple style that is beautiful and elegant. It would be great to wear to a special occasion, or as an every day hairstyle! You will learn to lace braid in this tutorial!

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Medium 102359 2f2014 06 05 001838 img 6028 Medium 102359 2f2014 06 05 002753 img 6027


This is a fairly simple style that is beautiful and elegant. It would be great to wear to a special occasion, or as an every day hairstyle! You will learn to lace braid in this tutorial!


  1. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 001924 img 6041

    Brush all of the hair back. Start with a section of hair in the front of the face.

  2. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 002002 img 6042

    Do the first couple stitches of a three strand braid; cross the left section over the middle, cross the right section over the middle.

  3. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 002042 img 6043

    Cross the left section over the middle section.

  4. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 002129 img 6044

    Add a slice of hair going all the way from the top of the head to the nape of the neck into this same section.

  5. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 002203 img 6045

    Cross the right section over.

  6. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 002258 img 6046

    Continue steps 3-5 all the way to the other side of the head until you run out of hair to add in.

  7. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 002329 img 6047

    Braid to the ends of the hair and add an elastic or backcomb ends to finish off.

  8. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 002406 img 6048

    Roll the hair into a bun.

  9. Small 102359 2f2014 06 05 002425 img 6049

    Pin down into place.