Cut Out + Keep

How To: Custom Eyeshadow Palette

Weekend DIY • Posted by KathTheFabZilla

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn9346



  1. Small dscn9333


  2. Small dscn9311

    Step 1. Put paper towel over hair iron to protect the eyeshadow case. Leave the palette on top of the hair iron for about one minute or until the back glue from the case has melted.

  3. Small dscn9316

    Step 2. Be careful when removing the palette from the hair iron. I can't stress enough that it could be hot. Use nail pusher to lift the casing from the side.

  4. Small dscn9329

    Step 3. Cut a small piece of double adhesive tape and attach it to the eyeshadow. Then press the eyeshadow against the container or box of your choice.

  5. Small dscn9320

    Step 4. Sadly, no matter how careful you are, your eyeshadows might break from the lifting and turning. Fret not, take a damp cloth (wipes) and press it gently on top of the broken eyeshadow. It's a quick fix~ not perfect but good enough.