Cut Out + Keep

Creating a knitted cable (part 2 - front facing cable)

create a front facing cable without a cable needle • Posted by bekswhoknits

Feeling a little daunted by those complicated cables that you see? Well this tutorial will show you the trick behind them. I'm demonstrating the technique with a 3 by 3 cable. But if your pattern calls for 2 by 2 cables, or 3 by 1 just change the numbers of slipped stitches and knitted stitches.

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Medium 107706 2f2015 02 27 053753 img 0375 Medium 107706 2f2015 02 27 054148 15568724247 3cab40c2da k Medium 107706 2f2015 02 27 054232 16014780301 375d573827 o Medium 107706 2f2015 03 04 042339 img 0396


Feeling a little daunted by those complicated cables that you see? Well this tutorial will show you the trick behind them. I'm demonstrating the technique with a 3 by 3 cable. But if your pattern calls for 2 by 2 cables, or 3 by 1 just change the numbers of slipped stitches and knitted stitches.


  1. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 033211 img 0365

    Set up your knitting. The majority of patterns with cables will have the cable surrounded by purl stitches to help the cable 'pop'. In this tutorial the 6 stockinette stitches are in between 5 purl stitches.

  2. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 033355 img 0358

    Follow the pattern until you're at the point where the cable starts. The red needle is in my right hand, and the green needle is in my left hand. (My apologies to any red / green colourblind people out there! They were the only different coloured needles I had.)

  3. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 034624 img 0359

    Slip the next 3 stitches onto the right hand needle. I slip them purl-wise out of habit.

  4. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 034710 img 0360

    Knit the next 3 stiches. You now have 3 slipped stitches and 3 knitted stitches on your right hand needle.

  5. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 034827 img 0361

    Slip the left hand needle into the front of the slipped stiches. If you're having trouble, use your thumb to push down the three slipped stitches to give you more room to put the second needle in.

  6. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 034737 img 0363

    Pinch the base of the 6 stitches (the 3 slipped and 3 knitted). You're about to do the cable part. Pinching the bottom reduces the risk that all the stitches will fall off the needle.

  7. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 062357 img 0371

    Slip the 3 knitted stitches off the red needle and then back onto the red needle. This moves the knitted stitches so you now have them next to the purl stitches.

  8. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 043437 img 0366

    Knit the next 3 stiches (the ones that you slipped). You've now moved the first 3 stitches round the front of the second set of 3 stitches.

  9. Small 107706 2f2015 02 27 073952 img 0395

    You've now completed a front facing cable!!! It's sometimes called a left leaning cable and most often goes by the abbreviation C3F (Cable 3 Front)