Cut Out + Keep

House Plants From Veggies & Fruits!!!

nice & ez houseplants from veggies & fruit from the supermarket! • Posted by cupcake gangster

You won't get any veggies from these plants Just EZ & cheap plants for your dorm room or apartment!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium aug 3 003 1249482319 Medium aug 3 004 1249482342


You won't get any veggies from these plants Just EZ & cheap plants for your dorm room or apartment!


  1. Small aug 3 006 1249482959

    Take sweet potato & place the skinney part down into a container of water. I used a salt shaker for one & a glass inside of a planter for the other. If your containers are too big stick 3 toothpicks in them to keep them from falling in. In a couple weeks you will get roots & sprouting. Then in a couple more you will get crazy vines shooting out of your potato. You can keep it in water or plant it (inside)just plant the potato part under the soil (duh)!

  2. Small aug 3 005 1249482989

    Same with the avocado place in water. I used a old creamer & sugar bowl. place smaller side up this time with the bigger flater side in the water. Place in a very sunny window or spot. This one takes forever & you are going to think you did something wrong. You didn't its just a slowpoke! Just make sure everyday the water is filled keeping the bottom of the plant always wet. When it finally happens you will get one long root at first then more. Then the top will spilt a little (or alot) & some sprouts will come turning into a great plant. You can keep this in water or plant in soil too!

  3. Small aug 3 003 1249483603
