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Hot Wheels Christmas Stocking

Christmas stocking for boys.. • Posted by madd::sunshine

It's my son's first Christmas and I wanted him to have a handmade stocking made by his Ma. I loved it soo much that I decided to make one for my boyfriend as well. I've never made a stocking before, but I think they came out looking alright. I used a pattern I found via Pinterest.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf9197 Medium dscf9196


It's my son's first Christmas and I wanted him to have a handmade stocking made by his Ma. I loved it soo much that I decided to make one for my boyfriend as well. I've never made a stocking before, but I think they came out looking alright. I used a pattern I found via Pinterest.
