Hoodie Sleeved Denim Jacket :D

The love child of a denim jacket and a hoodie :3

Posted by chloeversa


Okays, so first I found an old denim jacket I never worn because it was too big and an old hoodie which was grey. (It already had the white stripes down the sides)

Then I carefully cut the sleeves off both.

Then I took the hoodie sleeves and attached them to the denim body using extra strong thread. You need to make sure the seam is on the inside though, and that the sleeve size matches the gap where they need to be sewn to. The ones on my denim jacket were too small though so I had to overlap the fabric a little under the arm, like how you make a pleat, so that it fit right.

Then after the arms were attached I cut off the hood from the hoodie and sewed it to the denim jacket. It needs to be along the very edge of where the collar attaches to the jacket. Then its all done! :D

You can decorate your jacket too using studs and stuff if you want :)!


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Grey Hoodie
  • Extra Strong Thread
  • Denim Jacket