Cut Out + Keep

Hooded Corset

Hooded corset, Gothic renaissance, pretty darn good! • Posted by Billie Munk

After completing my bustle skirt for Halloween i was keen to getcracking on a dress up project for xmas. Whilst searching for a way to make a hooded cape i came acros a hooded corset. My 2 favourite tings hoods and corsets. It was a little out of my price range so i foolishly believed i could whip one up easy peasy! About half way through the project i started to doubt myself and fearing my ambition was greater than my ability i gave it a break over the xmas period. In the new year i perservered and i'm glad i did because he finished product is some of my best work to date. I'm so pleased with it i'm making another one with some super awesome fabric i've had for three years that i didn't dare cut coz i liked it so much.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


20 h 00


Medium dsc 0177 1296005941 Medium dsc 0178 1296006091 Medium dsc 0160 edit0 1296006163 Medium dsc 0172 1296007213 Medium dsc 0174 1296007351


After completing my bustle skirt for Halloween i was keen to getcracking on a dress up project for xmas. Whilst searching for a way to make a hooded cape i came acros a hooded corset. My 2 favourite tings hoods and corsets. It was a little out of my price range so i foolishly believed i could whip one up easy peasy! About half way through the project i started to doubt myself and fearing my ambition was greater than my ability i gave it a break over the xmas period. In the new year i perservered and i'm glad i did because he finished product is some of my best work to date. I'm so pleased with it i'm making another one with some super awesome fabric i've had for three years that i didn't dare cut coz i liked it so much.


  1. Small dsc 0153 1296297993

    Pattern Cutting: Corst. will not be including pattern cutting instructions on the corset because the are plenty of other good how to's on co+k that explaine that just fine. Or buy one ther're easy enuff to find on the tinternet or at a good habadashery. Pattern cutting:Hood. Measure from you eyebrow to the nape f our neck (the bobbly bit right at the top of your spine).Use this measurement as the diameter of your semi circle. so the length of the staight edge of your semi = 2x measurement and the height of your semi circle = the measurement. Hope that makes sense. For te collar i traced round the collar of an existing item of cothing. it should turn out like a 'c' shaped piece.

  2. Small dsc 0154 1296298976

    Cutting Fabric: Corset Center front panel, side front panel, side back panel center back panel cut x4 plus cut x2 in iron on facings cut 2x stands plus 2x iron on facings Cutting fabric: Hood Cut 2x collar plus 2x iron on facings. cut 2x hood pieces.

  3. Small dsc 0156 1296300610

    Construction: Hood Iron on facings to both collar pieces. Place right sides togethe and se along the largest curve along the outside of your 'c' shaped piece using 1.5cm seam allowance. turn so sseam edges are inside and press flat. Sew your 2 hood piece to gether pu right sides together and sew along the straight edge. Press seams and turn rough edges to the insede. press ans topstitch straight edge. Along the curved edge of the hood stitch 1.5cm in to hold in place gather along the curved edge using pins or running stitch press.This should now look like a large petal. Pin then stitch the curved gathered edge of the hood to the smaller inside curve of the collar right sides together 1.5cm seam allowance. Put 1 eyelet in at each end of the collar piece

  4. Small dsc 0168 1296301478

    Construction: Corset