• Posted by Michelle
<center>I bought this pattern off of Etsy from LuvlyGurumi. It was 6 dollars and well worth it! <br><br> I plan on making two more as gifts for my cousins. But, you know what they say: <br><br> "Never give gifts that are knit or crocheted - the people you give them to, unless they also crochet or knit, will not appreciate the time, work, and yarn that you use." - Stitch N Bitch <br><br> That is why I have reconsidered giving more bunnies to them. This bunny took me a long time! :)
<center>I bought this pattern off of Etsy from LuvlyGurumi. It was 6 dollars and well worth it! <br><br> I plan on making two more as gifts for my cousins. But, you know what they say: <br><br> "Never give gifts that are knit or crocheted - the people you give them to, unless they also crochet or knit, will not appreciate the time, work, and yarn that you use." - Stitch N Bitch <br><br> That is why I have reconsidered giving more bunnies to them. This bunny took me a long time! :)