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Honey Vanilla Soap (Melt And Poor)

soap • Posted by Ashley H.

I am going to show you how to make a great Melt and Poor soap bar that you can make in your own kitchen.

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Medium gedc2751 1274134965


I am going to show you how to make a great Melt and Poor soap bar that you can make in your own kitchen.


  1. Small gedc2733 1274130233

    First gather your ingredients. You can get the soap color (don’t use food color as it will fade over time), soap base, fragrance, and molds at your local craft store. You can get the bees wax, jojoba oil, at your local health store or online. You can get the honey, powdered milk, and vitamin e capsules at your local food mart.

  2. Small gedc2737 1274132477

    Then cut with your knife two squares off your soap base, any soap base will do.( some bases come in huge blocks and don’t have lines for the scares. if that’s the case then just eye it. measure one tbsp of beeswax unmellted (don’t be stupid like me and get the block instead of the much easier to measure pellates). Put the two ingredients in the measuring cup.

  3. Small gedc2740 1274132521

    Microwave the mixture for 30 second intervals until it is totally liquid. Make sure the mixture does not boil.

  4. Small gedc2742 1274132566

    Add your fragrance and color to the measuring cup.

  5. Small gedc2745 1274132626

    Then add the honey, jojoba oil, vitamin e capsule(break it open and poor the oil from inside)and powdered milk to the mixture and stir well with the knife. (If the mixture starts to harden re microwave it for a couple of seconds or until it is liquid again) the next step you want the rubbing alcohol in the sprits bottle.

  6. Small gedc2750 1274132679

    Then slowly poor into the mold, make sure it does not poor over. (You can use any mold for this project, I used a mermaid mold.) After your done pooring, imidatly sprits the top of your soap with the rubbing alcohol. This gets rid of any bubbles.

  7. Small gedc2751 1274134665

    Wait an hour for your soap to harden and then gently push on the mold to get it out. (if your soap is not coming out then put it in the freezer for a few minutes and try again.

  8. Small gedc2753 1274134717

    after the soap is out of its mold wrap in plastic wrap to keep it fresh. ( i used a heet gun to make it look like this) Go to this website for a tutorial on how to do this