Homemade Lip Balm

how to make lip balm at home

Posted by Riya K.


how to make lip balm at home


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 Vanilla Essence
  • Juice
  • Petroleum Jelly
  • Food Coloring

Steps (6 steps, 2 minutes)

  1. 1

    in white petroleum jelly add a pinch of food color

  2. 2

    add fruit juice (1/2 spoon) to give it a flavor (i used pomegranate juice)

  3. 3

    now add a drop of vanilla essence to it

  4. 4

    heat in microwave for 5 mins approx....till all the contents get dissolved in it....and make sure juice is synthetic or it wold not be dissolved in liquid white petroleum jelly

  5. 5

    now allow it to cool till it attains semi solid or gel form...

  6. 6

    and you get orangy lips :B