Cut Out + Keep

Homemade Leopard/Hello Kitty Shirt:]

[homemade] because its means more when you gift it or keep it:] • Posted by mandiCHU

hi im mandiCHU:] i live my comfortable life in t-shirts too!.. most of the time im exploring the world in my tees:] ive always found them more comfortable then a blouse. growing up as a lil native american kidd[navajo to be exact] ive always had a deep love for grafic shirts! but getting them is ALWAYS a PAIN @,@ living on a navajo reservation the closest somewhat of a mall is about 2-3 hours away & the closest namebrand stores are 4-5 hours away! so i managed to always come up with my own homemade shizzzz!!! my personal style has always been quite unique:] i always get questions on where i buy them and after telling them i make my own stuff. the next question is how do i make them. ive ALWAYS <3 how they came out decided i had to share!!!! so here you guys go:] enjoi:]

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Reasonably Priced


1 h 30


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hi im mandiCHU:] i live my comfortable life in t-shirts too!.. most of the time im exploring the world in my tees:] ive always found them more comfortable then a blouse. growing up as a lil native american kidd[navajo to be exact] ive always had a deep love for grafic shirts! but getting them is ALWAYS a PAIN @,@ living on a navajo reservation the closest somewhat of a mall is about 2-3 hours away & the closest namebrand stores are 4-5 hours away! so i managed to always come up with my own homemade shizzzz!!! my personal style has always been quite unique:] i always get questions on where i buy them and after telling them i make my own stuff. the next question is how do i make them. ive ALWAYS <3 how they came out decided i had to share!!!! so here you guys go:] enjoi:]


  1. Small img 5152

    step 1:] gather all your materials!... -cutting mat -masking tape -plastic glove -x acto knife -fabric paint -blank tshirt -sharpie -small paint brush -decal of your choice

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    step 2:] decide on what you want on your shirt!.. for me i just wanted hello kitty in her classy shades. i simply googled "hello kitty decals" and BOOM i got what i was lookin for:]

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    step 3:] when printing your decal its best to choose a simple/easy one to do! black&whites make it even more simple.

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    step 4:] this is the TRIIIICKY part!.. cut out your decal using an x-acto knife. while doing this keep in mind were stenciling it @,@ so try your best not to cut everything out or else all your hard work is nothing! about every inch&half leave a gap thingy to stayy attached [hard to explain!!!!!] like in the picture<--

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    step 5:] after the your decal on the shirt!.. and tape it down using masking tape. [masking tape/painters tape wont give you that aftermath sticky-NESS] for me i like things a bit uneven:] i think it looks alot better.

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    step 6:] gently paint your decal!.. for me i find it way easyer to use a toothpick to help keep my decal down! it makes the paint job look PRO!!

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    step 7:] add on a design!.. for me i love artwork to cover my shirts completly:] so i just messed around with tape and made a border. [after your decal is finished drying be very gentle while peeling] then just fill in your border design

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    step 8:] cover your design with paint!.. for the rest of my design i went with my usual design leopard<3 i love how it looks!!!!! this is exactly how i make my plain leopard shirts too! i just tear random strips of tape and BOOOOOM you got leoparddddddd:]]]]]

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    step 9:] blend!.. i like to blend my design in with my decal:] makes it all come together. after its done drying peel the tape off...

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    step 10:] koo-koo-ka-CHU!.. now show off your latest creation <3mandi:]