Homemade Globe

Kids craft.

Posted by Elyse


Something very simple for kids to do, with adult supervision. (Adults need to be in charge of super glue always!)


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Super Glue
  • Baby Food Jar
  • Glitter
  • Toy
  • Water

Steps (3 steps, 15 minutes)

  1. 1

    Start out with your lid, toy and super glue. First make sure that your toy will fit in your jar! If it does, super glue it to the lid!

  2. 2

    Fill your jar with water and grab your glitter (for snow you can boil eggs and then when they're done, take the shell and break it up into tiny pieces).

  3. 3

    After you put all the glitter you want, put your lid on. You can even super glue the lid on!