Cut Out + Keep

Homemade Colouring Book

Now grown ups can colour too! • Posted by Miss Sharples

I made this into a birthday card! All I did to make this couring book is take a photo of my boyfriend's face, open it with image editing software and fade the colours right down so the shadows were highlighted, I then printed it out, scanned it in black and white and then I traced over it in pen, and voila, one homemade colouring book birthday card!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00300 1248187959


I made this into a birthday card! All I did to make this couring book is take a photo of my boyfriend's face, open it with image editing software and fade the colours right down so the shadows were highlighted, I then printed it out, scanned it in black and white and then I traced over it in pen, and voila, one homemade colouring book birthday card!
