Homemade Adorable Robot Ring

Plus a cute colorful and simple nail idea ;P

Posted by Klaudia12345 6.


This is soooo simple to do. Just trace an image of your desired robot, (I'll post the one i used), color it, then put it in an oven, not more than 200F/93C I learned everything from this one site which i will also post in the promotion box, it will begin to curl so use a spatula to guide it flat and take it out when it shrunk to your desired size. Wait for it to cool, glue on the googley eyes, let that dry, and then glue the robot on the ring. VIOLA YOU'RE DONE!!!! :D


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Colored Pencil(s)
  • Permanent Marker
  • Shrink Plastic From Fruit Containers
  • Googley Eyes